How Optiweb identified new growth opportunities and prioritized key challenges

Meet our client

Client: Optiweb

Industry: Web development and digital marketing

Optiweb is a digital partner that offers a comprehensive suite of web solutions to make a key contribution to companies' digital transformations. With a team of 70 diverse individuals, they are always thinking progressively to keep pace with the ever-changing digital world.


At Optiweb, they strive towards growing and developing all the time. As a company, they are already working a lot to constantly improve things, for which they need regular and sincere feedback from their colleagues. At the same time, they also measure satisfaction and engagement annually.

They were confident that the in-depth analysis would provide external validation and new insights into where they were already doing well and where they still had growth opportunities.

"We particularly liked the fact that it combines quantitative and qualitative information, giving you information that other methodologies don't."

Urška Stanovnik, Chief Human Resources Officer


Before the start of the collaboration, we provided Optiweb's management with a proposed timeline with implementation steps. We adapted this together with them to the dynamics of the company, and were always available for questions afterward, as Urška Stanovnik confirmed: "Every time I came forward with a question, a challenge, I got a very timely answer."

The biggest concern of the management was how the analysis would be received by the employees - how to present it, why to fill in another questionnaire and what is the added value. Our team therefore - as always - gave an introductory presentation to all employees, explaining what the analysis means and what they and the organization gain from it.

The active involvement of Optiweb's management was also important in achieving a good response. Urška Stanovnik believes that this combination was a key contributor to the very good response from colleagues and the resulting quality of the data.

"I could see from the comments of the colleagues that they see the added value in this and that they are glad that we went into it."

Urška Stanovnik, Chief Human Resources Officer

We analyzed the data collected and, in addition to identifying areas of strength, diagnosed some key challenges and areas for improvement.

An in-depth report with quantitative indicators, sociograms, summaries of employee comments, and key findings was presented to management, middle management, and employees at interpretation meetings. These also served as a first opportunity to discuss development objectives and next steps.

Urška Stanovnik also stressed the importance of being curious as an organization: "I think it is important to ask questions, to dig deep. I got an answer to every question, but they always ensured anonymity."

"I thought it was great that we got external insights and that the result was presented by someone from the outside - someone who is not burdened with our current problems."

Miha Lavtar, CEO


Such a work process led to the fact that all employees invested time and effort, and as a result, the management received relevant results and guidelines for further work:

  • They confirmed some of the challenges they were already familiar with, but now they were given a different weight. One of these challenges was meetings. According to CFO Ana Jezerc, the analysis gave a clear insight that changes are needed here: "When we saw that virtually all employees identified meetings as a very painful point and started to look for the cause and solutions, we realized that we have a lot of opportunities here to improve efficiency."
  • With the help of organizational diagnostics, they also identified certain areas as challenges, which they thought were well managed. Some hidden areas for improvement emerged both at the level of the company as a whole and at the level of individual departments
  • They identified key employees (MVPs) and employees with the most untapped potential, which will enable even more strategic planning of employee development. "These are two areas where you can really make a difference if you see the opportunities and if you have an interest in these people," pointed out Miha Lavtar.
  • They obtained guidelines for further work and starting points for action plans at the level of departments and the entire company.

Urška Stanovnik emphasized the necessity of taking action based on the findings after the diagnosis has been completed: "Our work really begins now. What will we do with these results? How will we turn them into action plans? How will these steps lead us to solutions?"

So, after the diagnostic, Optiweb prepared and started implementing action plans for both company-wide objectives and individual departments, adapting to their specific situations and results.

"The cost of the Quantifly analysis is really an investment for the future. With it, you can change processes and organization so much that you end up with quite different numbers."

Ana Jezerc, CFO